How to Fight Chargebacks and Win

How to Fight Chargebacks and Win

Chargebacks are often considered the “cost of doing business”, especially for ecommerce merchants. The truth is, with the right chargeback management and prevention tools, this doesn’t have to be the case. Unfortunately, chargeback fraud is a growing problem for those...
Getting Ready for Chargeback War

Getting Ready for Chargeback War

Friendly fraud is a top offender during the holidays, where consumers claim they did not receive an item that they legitimately purchased. Friendly fraud can be intentional and accidental. With intentional friendly fraud, a customer intentionally lies about not...
How to Keep the Chargeback Grinch Away

How to Keep the Chargeback Grinch Away

As the Q4 holiday season approaches, many merchants have one thing on their minds: chargebacks. It’s an expensive problem—and one that escalates during the high volume holiday shopping season. Recent reports show that merchants pay$3.29 for every $1 lost to...
In the News: It’s Time for Chargeback Planning

In the News: It’s Time for Chargeback Planning

Jared was recently published in Finextra where he discussed the importance of early holiday chargeback prevention planning. Chargebacks are an unfortunate fact of life for most merchants. They’re damaging and tedious, represent lost revenue, dent your reputation and...